
Aim. Intracranial meningiomas in adults are mainly benign tumors that develop from the meninges. They are common, accounting for about 18 to 20% of primary intracranial tumors, and they are slow-growing, with a predominance in women. They can occur at any age but are most common after the age of 56. Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor, its size, and the anatomical structures it comes into contact with. Surgery is the main treatment modality for meningiomas. The objective of this study is to evaluate the cases of meningiomas in our series and to compare their different aspects, such as epidemiological, clinical, radiological, therapeutic, histological, evolutionary, and prognostic characteristics, with those reported in other series of the literature. We seek to highlight the similarities and differences between our series and previous studies, considering recent advances in this field. Materials and measures. In our series, the retrospective study of 8 cases of intracranial meningioma in elderly subjects diagnosed and operated on at the Neurosurgery Department of a hospital over a period of 4 years. Brain CT and MRI were the primary preoperative diagnostic means. The use of these imaging techniques was essential to establish the diagnosis and plan the surgical procedure. The histopathological study was performed to confirm the post-operative diagnosis and determine the histological type, as well as the grade of the meningiomas, referring to the WHO classification to plan an appropriate follow-up of the management. Results. Meningiomas accounted for 2.33% of intracranial meningiomas in elderly subjects, and 22.22% were in subjects under 65 years of age out of 342 tumors operated on in the Department during the same period. The female predominance was clear, at 62%, compared to 38% for men. The average age of our patients was 69.9 years, with extremes of 65 and 74 years. The main clinical symptoms observed in our patients were headache, motor deficit (hemiparesis, hemiplegia), sensory deficit, convulsions, and cranial pair involvement (optic nerve and facial nerve).On CT, the tumor mass was spontaneously hyperdense in 100% of cases. After the injection of iodine product, there was a homogeneous intense contrast intake in all cases. Only 2 patients in our series performed CT scans, of which we found perilesional edema and mass effect in 100% of cases. No calcifications or bone abnormalities were detected. MRI was performed on all our patients, allowing us to better specify the topographical diagnosis of meningiomas. Overall, surgical excision was complete (Simpson’s grade I and grade II) in 62.5% of cases. The most common histological types were meningotheliomatous meningioma (4 cases), transitional meningioma (1 case), mucoid fibrous meningioma (1 case), and atypical meningioma (2 cases). The post-operative course was favorable in most patients, and the post-operative complications consisted mainly of wound infection (1 case), CSF leakage (1 case), and hemorrhage (1 case).

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