
Thisf researchf isf motivatedf byf thisf periodf off technologicalf advancementf andf competitivef marketf competition, culinaryf businessf peoplef whof want to win the competition must pay attention and implement the right marketing strategy. Onef strategyf thatf isf widelyf usedf byf culinaryf businessf actorsf isf thef marketingf mixf strategyf (Marketingf Mixf Strategy). Basically, thef purposef off establishingf af companyf isf tof seekf thef maximumf possiblef profit. Thisf researchf usesf af qualitativef approach, thef locationf off thef studyf isf atf Galaxyf Bakeryf Ungaranf Bakeryf Jalanf Hos.Cokroaminotof Rukof Alun-Alun Center No.4, Ungaran Village, West Ungaran District, Krajan, Ungaran, Ungaran Bar. District, Semarang Regency, Central Java 50511. Dataf sourcesf usef observation, finterviews, fand fdocumentation. Thef resultsf off thisf studyf are: Galaxyf Bakery Bakery strategy in the form of a variety of products and flavors, affordable prices, strategic locations withf comfortf and goodf service, promotionf on socialf mediaf and wordf of mouthf carried out byf consumersf themselvefs aref able to make potential customers interested in coming and becoming regular customers.

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