
ABSTRACK Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat that programs for implemented at the SMA Batik I Surakarta with themed “ Dance for expression, actualization and recreation”. This form of training is more focused on training and preparation work for the strengthening of creativity dance for high school kids. This dance training will encourage students to develop creativity, improved its ability kepenarian techniques, master the dance material. Besides the experience of affective, cognitive and psychomotor exercises done in the process will be useful in building character of students. Specifically, dance training activities with three methods: the first method of focus group disscusion, methods of creative shapes, and thirdly drill method. Focus group discussion done for give reinforcement insight / knowledge regarding the value-value of art and humanitarian into in life experience learners. Experimental methods, to develop, enhance students' skills in the creative process, and drill method to provide reinforcement in its training kepenarian physical abilities. Training program conducted over six months, the training also involves direct chaperone teacher from school, this is a very important role in the smooth running drills, and also for the sustainability of the program. Materials and training results in the form of a dance piece titled Tembang Nusantara, a dance piece is worked out based on the pattern of the rhythm of the song or songs Indonesian region. This theme was chosen because it is basically the song has a very good meaning to education teenagers. Orchestral colors to work on the musical form was very handsome, spirit, agile, aggressive so appropriate for high school age young soul. Results of the training can be arranged include new material filmed dance, build confidence for students primarily through roles / characters. In addition, this program also can mendinamisasikan and develop the spirit of art, as well as the growing appreciation for all the students high scholl Batik I Surakarta.

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