
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the backbone of the Indonesian economy. Nowadays, MSMEs are expected to be able to make the best use of technology, one of which is the world of digital marketing. However, there are still many MSME players who do not understand and utilize digital marketing optimally. This is caused by several factors, such as limited knowledge and skills in the field of digital technology, as well as a lack of understanding of the benefits and potential that can be obtained from digital marketing. This article examines the use of counseling as a tool for community empowerment, provides recommendations and strategies for MSMEs, and becomes a reference for parties interested in developing MSMEs and using digital marketing. The survey method is a research approach that involves collecting data from a representatively selected sample of the population. The goal is to obtain general information and characteristics about the population. Data is collected and analyzed from respondent data that represents a larger population. The results of the article show that the knowledge of MSME players about digital marketing increased after the outreach activities. The application of digital marketing has had a positive impact on sales of MSME products and resulted in a significant spike in sales. Apart from that, the introduction of digital marketing for MSME products also increases MSME turnover. This has a positive impact on brand awareness and consumer trust, which will ultimately influence consumer purchasing decisions. So, digital marketing counseling is effective in empowering MSMEs and improving their business performance. This is an important reference for parties interested in developing MSMEs and utilizing digital marketing. MSMEs are the backbone of the economy, they need to take advantage of technology. The article examines extension to empower MSMEs, provides recommendations. Surveys show an increase in digital marketing for MSMEs.

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