
TAHUNNYA 57 MENERAPKAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN QUANTUM TEACHING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DALAM KETERAMPILAN MENULIS KARANGAN NARASI DI KELAS V SD DHARMA WANITA PERTIWI MEDAN TAHUN PEMBELAJARAN 2017/2018 OLEH: INDAH AYU IRWINA SILALAHI (PGSD FKIP UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK SANTO THOMAS SU) ABSTRACT This study aims to describe the study of class action research (PTK) using the model of learning quantum teaching on the subjects of Indonesia language in class V SD Dharma Women Pertiwi Medan. The research approach used is qualitative approach with the subject of research, that is, students of class V SD Dharma Women Pertiwi Medan, especially VB class which amounted to 24 people. Data collection technique used are observation and test. The main data source of this research is primary data. Primary data sources were obtained from teachers and students in grade V SD Dharma Woman Pertiwi Medan. The results of the research in the first cycle obtained by observation of teacher activity 54%, observation of student activity 55%, and complete according to value Minimum Exhaustiveness Criterion (KKM) is 10 people with percentage 42%, while unfinished 14 students with percentage 58,3% from a total 24 students. The average score of students in the first cycle was 60,75. Students who complete the classical has not reached 75%, then continued in the next cycle. In the second cycle, the result of observation of the teacher activity is 94%, the observation result of student activity is 82,5%, and that is complete according to KKM value 22 people with percentage 92%, while 2 students wit unfinished percentage 8,3% from 24 students. The average value of cycle II is 87,75. Based on the data analysis it can be concluded that the application of the model of learning quantum teaching to improve the learning outcomes In Skills Creating Narrative Essay In Students Class V Sd Dharma Women Pertiwi Medan Year Learning 2017/2018 has both categorized and student learning outcomes increased. Limitations of this research is a model of learning Quantum Teaching is a model of learning that invites students to be more focused and creative in writing a good article narrative. Based on the results of this study suggested to elementary school teachers to be more creative in implementing the model of learning Quantum Teaching on the learning process.

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