
This research analyses the Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) interpretation of the QS. Al-Hujurat [49]: 9, especially in the context of the Indonesian State regarding bughat behaviour, which also occurs in Indonesia. It should be remembered that Indonesia is a democratic country that uses laws as the foundation of the state, regulates rules and imposes sanctions. This research uses qualitative methods with library research and in analyzing the bughat theme specifically, with a thematic interpretation approach to examine how the Indonesian Ministry of Religion interprets the QS. Al-Hujurat [49]: 9, which talks about bughat. Overall, QS. Al-Hujurat [49]: 9 is a clear example of how the Qur’an not only states problems but also provides comprehensive guidelines on how to overcome problems. This surah also reminds us of Muslims’ importance of maintaining unity and brotherhood. This research ultimately resulted in the conclusion that the Indonesian Ministry of Religion's Tafsir guides the government to determine solutions and punishments for bughat groups based on their level of power and influence, including arresting and detaining bughat groups as an effort to bring them back into state order. Moreover, make them aware of the error of their rebellious actions to ensure security and public order and invite them to repent and recognize the legitimate leadership.

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