
The authority to carry out foreign relations lies on the Central Government. However, the Regional Government can also establish relations with other regions abroad. This paper reviews the boundaries between regional and central authorities when conducting foreign relations within the conceptual framework of the regional autonomy in Indonesia. This paper attempts to answer two problems formulation, namely: first, what are the limits of regional authority to conduct foreign relations? Second, is the form of foreign relations carried out by the regions recognized internationally? By using statutory and conceptual approaches, this paper presents a normative research using the perspective of constitutional law and international law. Based on the research and discussion, the following conclusions are drawn: first, regional authority in conducting foreign relations is formulated as part of the implementation of concurrent government affairs by the regions, the implementation of which is based on the limits of authority, namely: general limits and minimum limits. Second, according to international law, foreign relations actions by the regions are considered valid, with references to customary international law, agreements that have been made, and the state responsibility for foreign relations particularly on actions conducted by the regional bodies.

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