
The modern world is at a new historical turning point (transition from industrial to post-industrial or information society). Today, this is most often referred to as a transitional or transitional period. However, this process is often reduced as the transition of the planned economies of the former socialist countries to market economies and the transition of their authoritarian social systems to democratic societies. The modern transitional period represents the period of the realization of the third scientific and technological revolution (biotechnology, robotics, informatics, new materials, conquest of space and sea for production purposes), which changes both production forces and production relations. Namely, all this leads to a new organization of production, a new type and carrier of production management, changes the importance and role of ownership, factors of production, the nature of distribution, and thus suggests the creation of a new type of social relations. The process of socialization, humanization, new integration is being realized, new technologies are being developed, but also a new quality of life. It is reflected in the transformation of the capitalist and real-socialist mode of production into a new mode of production. We call this transitional stage the modern transitional or transitional period.


  • U projektu novog društva primerenog ovom vremenu naglasak treba da bude ne na raskidu već na daljem razvijanju svih pozitivnih dostignuća i civilizacijskih tekovina ugrađenih u ova društva, mora se prihvatiti i stalno uvažavati činjenica da je mnogo toga što predstavlja važne, neretko i neke od najvažnijih komponenti društvenog progresa ostvarenog u novijoj istoriji - postalo sastavni deo društvene stvarnosti upravo ovih sredina

  • To dovodi do globalizacije svetske privrede, do neposredne proizvodnje bez ljudi i nastupa pojedinca oslobođenog od otuđenog rada motivisanog razvojem proizvodnih snaga i oblika saobraćaja sa svim ljudima sveta

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Ovaj proces je uslovljen time što se oba danas vladajuća društvena sistema zasnivaju na industrijskoj osnovici proizvodnje i njoj odgovarajućoj podeli rada, klasnoj podeli društva, ubrzanom naučno-tehnološkom razvoju, dominaciji znanja i preduzetništva, umesto svojine, narastanja „srednje klase” menadžera. Savremeni nivo tehnike i tehnologije, organizacije proizvodnje, zahteva novo strukturiranje svojinskih oblika između rada i kapitala, dominaciju informacije, znanja, sposobnosti čoveka i sl.

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