
With the advancement of technology, the growth of multimedia and communication tools has sped up data transfer, and guaranteeing image security has become a crucial concern, particularly during the transmission and storage of images. So, when images are sent over a public network, they should be encrypted before being sent to the receiving part. In this study, a memristor-based encryption system with Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) coding is proposed on the LabVIEW platform to ensure information security. Firstly, memrsitor based hyperchaotic system is used for chaotic sequence. The images are encrypted using the DNA and XOR arithmetic process on the LabVIEW platform. A memristor-based hyperchaotic system and the combination of techniques used are aimed at encrypting the image securely. In addition, security tests; histogram analysis, correlation analysis, differential attack, and entropy analysis, are performed on the proposed system and the results are presented. The aforementioned methods are thoroughly examined and tested to determine their efficacy. It has been determined that the proposed encryption schemes are effective and can therefore be used in real-time applications.

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