
In addition to post-excavation processing and analysis of the ceramic and environmental collections from Kom Rabi'a, three field projects were carried out in 1989. Limited clearance was done for epigraphic recording at the west gate of the Ptah temple (site BAA), where there was evidence of modification to the pylon and hypostyle hall late in the reign of Ramesses II. Drill cores were taken to the west and north-west of Kom Tuman, where our information about the early occupation and flood defences of the city has been greatly extended. Resistivity meter survey continued in the south-east of the ruin field, where two major anomalies were recorded: at the site of faience kilns excavated by Petrie on Kom Helul, and on Kom Qal'a, where traces of a large stone structure, perhaps a Third Intermediate Period temple, were found.

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