
Intoduction: Elder people is one phase of human development. Aging proccess causes the cerebral alteration in its structure and function. It causes elder people become easier to forget the new information they just received. Through memory training, elder people could increase their short term memory, the training is a practical training to recalling name of people, orientation time and recalling word they had just received. Method: This research used quasy experimental design and population was elderly in UPTD Griya Wreda Surabaya. The sampling used purposive sampling technique, used 20 respondents consist of 10 people as experiment group and 10 people as control group. Data analysed by paired t-test and independent t-test with significant value p ≤ 0,05. Results: The result of paired t-test in experiment group for clock drawing test p=0.000 and for recall test p=0.002. Result of paired t-test in control group for clock drawing test p=0.193 and for recall test p=0.509. Result of independent t-test for clock drawing test p=0,031 and for recall test p=0.018. Discussion: There was short term memory increasing in experiment group while control group has no increasing and stay on short term memory. So there could be concluded that there was an influence of memory training to the increasing of short term memory in elder people.

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