
We have constructed the basic dielectric relaxations evolution expression for relaxing current as convolution operation of the chosen memory kernel and rate of change of applied voltage. We have studied types of memory kernels singular, non-singular and combination of singular and non-singular (mixed) decaying functions. With these, we form constitutive equations for relaxation dynamics of dielectrics; i.e. capacitor. We observe that though mathematically we can use non-singular kernels yet this does not give presently much useful practical or physically realizable results and interpretations. We relate our observations to relaxation currents given via Curie-von Schweidler and Kohlraush laws. The Curie-von Schweidler law gives singular function power law as basic relaxation current in dielectric relaxation; whereas the Kohlraush law is Electric field relaxation in dielectric as non-Debye function taken as stretched exponential i.e. non-singular function. These two laws are used since late nineteenth century for various dielectric relaxation and characterization studies. Here we arrive at general constitutive equation for capacitor and with each type of memory kernel we give corresponding impedance function and in some cases equivalent circuit representation for the capacitor element. We classify these systems as Curie-von Shweidler type for system with singular memory kernel function and Kohlraush type for system evolved via using non-singular function or mixed functions as memory kernel. We note that use of singular memory kernel gives constituent relations and impedance functions that are experimentally verified in large number of cases of dielectric studies. Therefore, we have a question, does natural relaxation dynamics for dielectrics have a singular memory kernel, and the relaxation current function is singular in nature? Is it the singular relaxation function for capacitor dynamics with singular memory kernel remains universal law for dielectric relaxation? However, we are not questioning researchers modeling relaxation of dielectric via non-singular functions, yet we are hinting about complexity and lack of interpretability of basic constituent equation of dielectric relaxation dynamics thus obtained via considering non-singular and mixed memory kernels; perhaps due to insufficient experimental evidences presently. However, the method employed in this study is general method. This method can be used to form memorized constituent equations for other systems (say Radioactive Decay/Growth, Diffusion and Wave phenomena) from basic evolution equation, i.e. effect function as convolution of memory kernel with cause function.

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