
Since 2015 the Government of Navarre has responded to the interest and demand of the society to face from the memory the traumatic past of our society. The memory of the violence suffered as a consequence of the military coup of 1936, in a territory such as Navarre, where there was no war front, has played a relevant role. In order to do that, inside the structure of the Directorate General for Peace, Coexistence and Human Rights the Institute of Memory of Navarre has been created the organization in charge of the recovery of the patrimony of memory, with its conservation and dissemination. In this article we explain the main ideas of the work of the Institute, that are assembled around different axis: exhumations, DNA bank, institutional tributes of recognition and reparation, Francoist symbology removal, memory places, the educational program «Schools with Memory» and the start up of a documentation centre about memory. All this with the collaboration of the families, local entities and memorialist associations, that has contributed to make real the right of memory for the victims and answer to the obligation of memory of a democratic society.

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