
Book Reviews57 Richenda Scott says "young and old came to H.G. ... for help in their personal and intellectual difficulties." In a religious Society that is sometimes blown about by various winds of doctrine his simple faith remained steady and firm. His outstanding quality was steadfastness, "the courage that outrides all momentary weakness." He bore a faithful witness in all seasons to "the essentially Christian character of the Society of Friends and its message" and Maude Brayshaw was surely right when she wrote to him, in 1949, that "we have to thank you as much as anyone if London Yearly Meeting has become steadily more Christian. . . ." When he joined Friends in 1923 he brought a Christ-centered faith with him from his Baptist background. It is largely due to his witness and the witness of others like him that the Society is as Christ-centered as it is. Unfortunately not all those who have thus helped us to recognize our Christian roots have been able to arouse fresh awareness of that which is distinctive in our Quaker heritage. The appeal of Quakerism for H.G. consisted mostly in those elements that are not totally lacking in Free Church Christianity. H.G. was a Christian of the Free Church tradition and he regarded the Society of Friends as a denomination within that tradition. Richenda Scott seems incüned towards this view but this bias, if that is what it is, has not prevented her from giving a balanced and true picture of H. G. Wood as a person and as a thinker. The several pages of camera studies are delightful. An index and a bibliography of H.G.'s published writings would have added to the value of the book, but these are small deficiencies. Richenda Scott is a gifted biographer who has helped us to savour something of the Grace of God in the life of H. G. Wood. Brielle, New JerseyLewis Benson Memoirs of Charles J. Darlington. Vol. II: Wilmington, 1916-1925; Woodstown, 1925-1965. Published by the author's family. 1967. xxix, 239 pages. $1.50. (Copies can be obtained from the Friends Book Store, 302 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19106 or from Esther Rosenberg, 609 Hillborn Ave., Swarthmore, Pa., 19081.) Having read Volume I of the Memoirs of Charles J. Darlington, which covered the first twenty-two years of his life through his graduation from Swarthmore College, I looked forward with great anticipation to the publication of Volume II, which covers the period when he lived in Wilmington, Delaware and Woodstown, New Jersey. This was when I became acquainted with him and worked along with him in his Quaker activities. From 1916 to 1925 he lived in Wilmington, which was my home until 1921. After his marriage to Marie Bender in November, 1918, he became an active participant in the life of the Friends Meeting in Wilmington, where I was superintendent of the First Day School. From then on we became well acquainted. He tells in this volume of the influences that led to his very fruitful work in the Society of Friends. 58Quaker History In 1925 he and his family moved from Wilmington to Woodstown, where he quicldy became associated with the Friends Meeting there. There is a very complete description of his activities in connection with the Meeting and the religious life of the community. His wife, Marie, died in 1929. He married Eleanor ColUns in 1932 and they continued to live in Woodstown until Charles' death in 1965. In this volume of the Memoirs Charles has described very fully his activity with the Dupont Company at Deep Water Point, New Jersey, community relationships in Woodstown, the many types of Friends activities in Salem Quarterly Meeting and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, the American Friends Service Committee, the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the National Council of Churches, and other interchurch relationships. He held very important positions in these groups and made a tremendous contribution to them. The Memoirs are a monumental work and those of us who knew Charles Darlington and were his associates in Quaker activities appreciate the great value of this account of his life and work. Media, PennsylvaniaWilliam Eves, 3rd ...

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