
Critical node problems (CNPs) involve finding a set of critical nodes from a graph whose removal results in optimizing a predefined measure over the residual graph. As useful models for a variety of practical applications, these problems are computationally challenging. In this paper, we study the classic CNP and introduce an effective memetic algorithm for solving CNP. The proposed algorithm combines a double backbone-based crossover operator (to generate promising offspring solutions), a component-based neighborhood search procedure (to find high-quality local optima), and a rank-based pool updating strategy (to guarantee a healthy population). Extensive evaluations on 42 synthetic and real-world benchmark instances show that the proposed algorithm discovers 24 new upper bounds and matches 15 previous best-known bounds. We also demonstrate the relevance of our algorithm for effectively solving a variant of the classic CNP, called the cardinality-constrained CNP. Finally, we investigate the usefulness of each key algorithmic component.

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