
This paper describes work which begins to define the molecular organization in the region of the membrane that comprises the functional domain of the Na:K pump. The membrane-bound phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and Na, K-ATPase appear to be directly linked via a compartmentalized form of ATP. Evidence for the membrane pool of ATP is based on the labeling characteristics of the phosphoproteins by [gamma-(32)P]ATP of ghosts incubated under various conditions. Preincubation of ghosts in the presence of ATP at 37 degrees C, but not at 0 degrees C, completely obscures the formation of the Na-phosphoprotein in ghosts washed and subsequently incubated in the presence of [gamma-(32)P]ATP. In contrast to the Na component, the Mg component of phosphorylation is only slightly altered by preincubation with ATP. ATPase activity measured as (32)P(i) liberated during the subsequent incubation at 0 degrees C, reflects completely the differential effects of preincubation with ATP on (32)P incorporation into phosphoprotein. ATP placed within the pool by preincubation can be removed by operating the Na, K-ATPase or the PGK reaction in the reverse direction by use of exogenous substrates. Alternatively, the membrane pool of ATP can be formed also from exogenous substrates by running the PGK reaction in the forward direction. These results, while providing direct support for a membrane compartment of ATP, also indicate the location of this compartment in relation to the PGK and the Na, K-ATPase. In addition, these results also imply that the Mg and Na components are different enzymatic entities since substrate ATP can be derived from separate sources.

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