
Chinese hamster spermatozoa during epididymal maturation were examined by thin sectioning, freeze-fracture, and surface replica. Membrane-limited vesicles and tubules (MVTs) attach to the plasma membrane over the acrosome of the spermatozoa in the distal caput through proximal cauda epididymidis. The origin of these MVTs is likely to be spermatozoa degenerating in the epididymal lumen. The attachment of MVTs to the plasma membrane seems to be mediated by a paste-like substance covering the plasma membrane. A parallel striation pattern of intramembranous particles (IMPS) is seen in the plasma membrane of almost the entire postacrosomal region of the epididymal spermatozoa. The patterned domain begins to appear in the proximal caput epididymidis. The number and density of IMPS in the plasma membrane of the postacrosomai region increases with the development of striated pattern of IMPs in this region. In the cauda epididymidis, the redundant nuclear envelope elongates to form a shirt-like membrane covering the mitochondrial sheath. The elongated portion of the nuclear envelope is devoid of nuclear pores and has few IMPS.

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