
Education sexual until now still being discussed in consider taboo in the society. Some people think that there is a time when individuals will understand naturally. Knowledge of everything related to gender is very important to understand from an early age. Sex education is very necessary so that children have adequate knowledge about the importance of protecting the reproductive organs, as well as instilling moral values ​​related to sexuality issues. Sexual education that is not given at an early age raises problems, namely the high rate of sexual violence against children perpetrated by those closest to the child, including the family. Another problem that arises is that there are students at the elementary school level who are already dating. The purpose of this community service is to provide an understanding of the understanding of sex education and ways of self-defense from sexual harassment. The implementation of community service activities was carried out at SDN Barusari 02 Semarang with participants taken from grades IV, V and VI. The method used was lecture and question and answer, with the media used LCD projector. The results of the implementation of this community service activity from the participants who attended seemed very enthusiastic, after the questionnaires before and after the provision of health education regarding sexual education, there was an increase in knowledge.

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