
Primary school is one of the levels of education whose task is to realize the national education goals. In order to achieve this goal the school must have good quality. One effort to improve the quality of schools is to support facilities and infrastructure and improve the reading culture. This Best Practice is designed to support the work that the author has done as the principal. This study aims to describe the initial conditions of the school, explain the efforts, constraints and ways to overcome them in building a culture of literacy to support the success of teaching learning activities in explaining the results that have been achieved. The results showed that 1) The initial conditions of literacy were still low; 2) How to build a culture of literacy began with the procurement of facilities and infrastructure followed by habituation; 3) Constraints faced included facilitators, costs, and interests of students; 4) How to overcome existing problems namely with financial donations, attending workshops and holding tutoring and extracurricular activities; 5) The results achieved through the development of a literacy culture, namely the school can win several race champions. Suggestions are given that the government through the education office should be more focused on addressing issues related to literacy in primary schools and for principals to be role models in literacy.


  • PENDAHULUAN Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa salah satu tujuan negara yang tertulis dalam pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 mengamanatkan Pemerintah mengusahakan dan menyelenggarakan satu sistem pendidikan nasional

  • This study aims to describe the initial conditions of the school, explain the efforts, constraints and ways to overcome them in building a culture of literacy to support the success of teaching learning activities in explaining the results that have been achieved

  • The results showed that 1) The initial conditions of literacy were still low; 2) How to build a culture of literacy began with the procurement of facilities and infrastructure followed by habituation; 3) Constraints faced included facilitators, costs, and interests of students; 4) How to overcome existing problems namely with financial donations, attending workshops and holding tutoring and extracurricular activities; 5) The results achieved through the development of a literacy culture, namely the school can win several race champions

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Penguatan Kapasitas Fasilitator

Fasilitator untuk gerakan literasi sekolah adalah guru, dan tenaga kependidikan. Guru harus mempunyai kemampuan literasi dan minat baca yang tinngi. Dengan kemampuan guru kuat akan mendorong peserta didiknya ikut mempunyai minat baca yang tinggi pula serta bisa mengelola kelas dan mengelola peserta didik dengan sarana buku-buku yang ada .Guru harus bisa menjadi contoh bagi peserta didik yang akhirya akan menunjang keberhasilan pembangunan budaya literasi. Penguatan kapasitas fasilitator dilakukan dengan memberikan sosialisasi dan pengarahan kepada guru dan tenaga kependidikan dalam penerapan literasi baik melalui pembelajaran di kelas maupun pembelajaran di luar kelas

Peningkatan Jumlah dan Ragam Sumber Bacaan Bermutu
Perluasan Akses terhadap Sumber Belajar dan Cakupan Peserta Belajar
Penguatan Tata Kelola
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