
In 2018 Trans Siginjai officially began operations in the city of Jambi, with a route connecting Jambi City with Muaro Jambi District. Passing the length of the route is 19 Km, passing through two large campuses in Jambi Province. Making this BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) mode has a potential market among the community of student groups. Preliminary observations were made and several studies showed that the 1 year period after the operation of the BRT showed a condition that was not optimal. The solution offered from the service done is to see how actually the transport facilities owned by Jambi Province have a lot of additional potential besides being the only mass transportation on this route. The potential that can be raised by the TransTiginjai BRT is Multiple effects of education, ecology, economics. the target of service is students and the community who live in the city of Jambi. The method used is by activating the local community and optimizing the use of digital media with the main output being various multimedia content. After the activities have not been made significant changes have occurred but there has been an increase in awareness among media users who are targeted for service, namely those from students. From the academic side, this service also tries to prove that the synergy of the community, academics and authorities is able to provide a real solution for a city and the people who live in it.


  • Pemerintah, melalui Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) berupaya terus membangun sektor transportasi yang mendukung penyediaan akses bagi masyarakat, mewujudkan keselamatan transportasi, meningkatkan konektivitas nasional, membangun transportasi perkotaan yang aman, nyaman dan terintegrasi

  • mode has a potential market among the community of student groups

  • several studies showed that the 1 year period after the operation

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Potensi BRT Trans Siginjai

Trans Siginjai merupakan bantuan khusus dari pemerintah pusat melalui Kementrian Perhubungan, di serahkan kepada Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Jambi, yang kemudian dikelola oleh Pihak Djawatan Angkutan Motor Republik Indonesia (Damri). Peluncuran moda transportasi yang masih terbilang baru di provinsi Jambi ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2017, dan disusul dengan masa uji coba sampai Januari 2018, dimana tarif akan di gratiskan bagi masyarakat yang menggunakan Trans Siginjai. Dari berbagai potensi diatas aktifasi komunitas berbasis pengguna yang berasal dari pihak konsumen dimotori oleh para mahasiswa dinilai punya kesempatan besar untuk bisa menaikan minat mahasiswa lainnya khususnya, dan masyarakat pada umumnya (Freska,2012) untuk menggunakan moda transportasi ini. Konektivitas kalangan mahasiswa dengan Media Digital yang cukup tinggi memunculkan potensi untuk positive campaign, publikasi, promosi tersendiri dimana hal ini sepertinya belum optimal dilakukan oleh pihak berwenang, dan berimplikasi dengan belum optimalnya minat masyarakat di dua lokasi strategis tadi untuk menggunakan moda transportasi BRT Trans Siginjai. Hal yang mana beberapa persen dari keseluruhan persentase bisa digarap oleh komunitas Trans Siginjai, dengan konsep Edukasi, Ekologi dan Ekonomi

Charming Siginjai dan Media Digital
Kegiatan Offline
Melakukan Street act di halte di seputaran haltehalte
Pemasangan Poster Informasi di beberapa Halte Trans Siginjai
Potensi dan Tantangan Program
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