
Memantine is a non-competitive antagonist with a moderate affinity to the N-methyl-d-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor. The present study assessed memantine's neuroprotective activity using electrophysiology of ex-vivo hippocampal slices. Interestingly, a nicotinic component was necessary for memantine's neuroprotection (NP). Memantine demonstrated a bell-shaped dose-response curve of NP against NMDA. Memantine was neuroprotective at concentrations below 3 μM, but the NP declined at higher concentrations (>3 μM) when memantine inhibits the NMDA receptor. Additional evidence that memantine NP is mediated by an alternate mechanism independent of the inhibition of the NMDA receptor is supported by its ability to protect neurons when applied before or after the NMDA insult and in the presence of D(−)-2-Amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (APV), the standard NMDA receptor inhibitor. We found several similarities between the memantine NP mechanism and the neuroprotective nicotinic drug, the 4R cembranoid. Memantine's NP requires the release of acetylcholine, the activation of α4β2, and is independent of MEK/MAPK signaling. Both 4R and memantine require the activation of PI3K/AKT for NP against NMDA-mediated excitotoxicity, although at different concentrations. In conclusion, our studies show memantine is neuroprotective through a nicotinic pathway, similar to the nicotinic drug 4R. This information leads to a better understanding of memantine's mechanisms of action and explains its dose-dependent effectiveness in Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders.

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