
Livestock development is part of the development of the agricultural sector which has strategic value in meeting the food, especially animal protein is increasing. Agricultural development today has changed from a predominantly supply of carbohydrate to impartial toward providing animal protein. It is also associated with increased per capita income of the people in Indonesia. Cattle is one of the largest providers of animal protein and are ruminants that consume forage such as grass, legume and also leaves from trees. Forage available in the field also depends on the season. The study was conducted in the village of Belanga, Susut, Bangli District, using 13 types of forage in the location. Preparation of rations based on a combination of food resource availability based on the nutritional needs of cattle so that productivity is maintained. The combination of local forage composition from November to April TDN and protein content reached 57.03% and 12.68%, while in May to October TDN and protein reached 57.03% and 12.67%.Key words: forages availability, forage composition, and bali cattle produktivity


  • Livestock development is part of the development of the agricultural sector which has strategic value in meeting the food, especially animal protein is increasing

  • predominantly supply of carbohydrate to impartial toward providing animal protein

  • It is also associated with increased per capita income of the people

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Musim hujan

Catatan : - Tanaman kaliandra di musim hujan terserang ulat - Pada musim hujan ternak sapi tidak selera dengan hijauan dapdap - Labu siam saat musim labu diberikan sampai 10 kg per ekor per hari - Pakan tambahan berupa campuran hijauan seperti daun talas dan umbi-umbian seperti umbi ketela rambat direbus diberikan setiap hari. * ketersediaan pakan (jumlah). Catatan : - Tanaman kaliandra di musim hujan terserang ulat - Pada musim hujan ternak sapi tidak selera dengan hijauan dapdap - Labu siam saat musim labu diberikan sampai 10 kg per ekor per hari - Pakan tambahan berupa campuran hijauan seperti daun talas dan umbi-umbian seperti umbi ketela rambat direbus diberikan setiap hari. Hasil analisis ke-13 jenis bahan pakan yang dipergunakan adalah hijauan pakan ternak yang ketersediaannya paling banyak dan tersedia sepanjang tahun yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh musim (Tabel 2). Berdasarkan ketersediaan pakan yang banyak tumbuh di Desa Belanga dapat disusun komposisi pakan sapi penggemukan pada bulan Nopember - April dan bulan Mei - Oktober, yang bobot badannya 250 kg dan pertambahan bobot badan yang diharapkan sebesar 0,30-0,60 kg/ekor/hari. Standar kebutuhan zat-zat makanan (Tabel 3 dan 4) mengacu pada standard Tillman et al (1991). Komposisi Pakan Sapi Penggemukkan Pada Bulan Nopember – April berdasarkan kebutuhan ternak

Rumput raja Total Standar
Rumput Raja
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