
Meiling Jin, a British citizen who was born in Guyana to Chinese parents, writes her experience migrating from Guyana to the United Kingdom as an eight-year-old Chinese girl and her transition from childhood to adulthood. The loss of order and security in her personal background is revealed in her writing of a world filled with displacement, racial discrimination, cultural confrontations, and identity confusion.This paper aims to analyze Jin's work through the discussion of the protagonists' mental inquietude while adopting cultural theories to examine how the protagonists construct a new order in their lives. As Jin originated from Guyana, a previous British colony, I will also explore the history of Chinese settlement there to provide the context of her work.A child of immigrant parents, Meiling Jin manages to articulate her stories living in a cultural borderland. Living a life as the other in the United Kingdom, Jin narrates an experience of social exclusion, an inner split of selfhood, and finally, a self of new belonging.

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