
Every year in Europe over 150,000 new cases of melanoma are reported and over 25,000 lives are lost to this tumor. Incidence has been rising rapidly, faster than for any other cancer, and it is expected to continue to do so in most regions. Mortality also crept up, decades-long, with only few very recent exceptions. Thus, melanoma remains a public health problem that will not go away soon, nor easy. Some notable progress has been made in the last decade in the fight against this tumor. Registration and reporting for skin cancers improved across Europe. Incidence trends have begun to plateau or even to descend in younger age groups, in some countries, and there are encouraging signs that mortality might do the same, after the recent therapeutic breakthroughs. Survival rates are on average above 80% at 5 years for European patients, while diagnosis trends toward ever thinner tumors. Yet this progress is far from uniform across the continent, with many Southern-and Eastern European countries still struggling with sub-optimal cancer reporting, delayed access to innovative treatments, late detection and insufficient healthcare funding, that push survival rates down to harrowing 50%. This article aims to give an updated overview of the epidemiological situation of melanoma in Europe, highlighting the progress but also the persisting disparities in tumor burden, prognosis and access to quality cancer care and surveillance between European countries, as a reminder that relentless efforts must continue in order to tackle this aggressive tumor in an effective and equitable manner.

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