
This study employs a simple and cost-effective technique to enhance the photoelectrochemical (PEC) water-splitting performance of melamine cyanaurate microrods (M), SnO2 nanostructures (S), and melamine cyanaurate microrods decorated with SnO2 quantum dots (MS) by optimizing NaOH and Na2SO3 electrolytes. Notably, the MS electrode demonstrates a remarkable improvement in PEC efficiency in Na2SO3 solution associated with NaOH solution. Specifically, the induced currents of the MS anode in the Na2SO3 electrolyte are approximately 6.28 mAcm−2 more than those observed in the NaOH electrolyte solution. It is revealed that SO32− anions effectively consume the holes, leading to improved separation of the generated charge pairs. This effective charge separation mechanism significantly contributes to the enhanced PEC performance observed in Na2SO3 electrolytes. The findings of this study suggest a capable approach for improving the PEC activity of the materials through the careful optimization of the supported electrolytes.

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