
Ozet Arastirma, farkli pisim isilarina sahip iki seramik materyalin (VMK 68. Fin esse) yuzeyinde, mekanik cilanin etkilerini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Her iki seramik materyalden hazirlanan deney ornekleri 6 gruba ayirilmis ve her grupta farkli yuzey muamelesi uygulanmistir; 1. deney grubundaki ornekler dentin pisiminden sonra hicbir islem yapilmadan birakilmis, 2- deney grubunda sadece mekanik cila, 3. deney grubunda dentin pisimini takiben mekanik cila ve glazur, 4. deney grubunda bulunan ornek yuzeylerine glazur uygulanmis, 5. deney grubunda glazur sonrasi ince grenli elmas frezle asindirma ve mekanik cila, 6. deney grubunda ise glazur sonrasi normal grenli elmas frezle asindirma ve mekanik cila uygulanmistir. Her iki seramik materyali ayni deney grubunda farkli yuzey pruzlulukleri gostermekle birlikte her iki materyalde en duzgun yuzeyler mekanik cila sonrasi glazur uygulanan orneklerde belirlenmistir. VMK 68 seramik materyalinde istatistiksel olarak 5 ve 6. deney gruplarinda yuzey puruzlulugu acisindan anlamli bir fark olmadigi belirlenmistir. Finesse seramik materyalinde ise 1,2,4 ve 5. deney gruplarinda bulunan ornek yuzeylerinin puruzlulugu arasinda anlamli fark bulunmamakla birlikte, 2 ve 4. deney grubundaki ornekler benzer yuzey puruzluluk degerleri vermislerdir. Anahtar sozcukler: Mekanik cila, yuzey puruzlulugu, yuzey dokusu, seramik. Abstract The aim of this research was to determine the effect of mechanical polishing on two ceramic materials (VMK 68, Finesse) which had different firing temperatures. The samples of the two ceramic materials were divided into six groups and different surface treatments were applied to each group. The samples of the first group were left aside after dentin firing, the second group had only mechanical polishing, in the third group mechanical polishing and glazing were followed after dentin firing, the samples of the fourth group were glazed, ffie samples of the fifth group were grinded with fine grained diamond burs after glazing and then they had mechanical polishing, and in the sixth group the samples were grinded with medium grained diamond burs after glazing. Although different surface roughness were observed in the same sample goups of the two ceramic materials, the most smooth surfaces were obtained in the samples which had been glazed after mechanical polishing. There were no significant differences of surface roughness between groups 5 and 6 of VMK 68 ceramic material. Hie surface roughness of groups 1,2,4 and 5 of Finesse ceramic material samples were not significantly different and the samples of group 2 and 4 displayed similar surface roughness. Key words: Mechanical polishing, surface roughness, surface texture, dental ceramic.

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