
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic adds to the burden for single mothers. In addition to performing two functions at once, the pandemic forces them to survive difficult situations. This article describes the challenges facing single-mother as well as survival mechanisms during pandemics by phenomenological studies through direct observation and in-depth interviews conducted on single mothers in Ponteh Village. Data showed some of the challenges single-mother faced during the pandemic. First, there is an increase in double burden. One of the additional tasks for a single mother is the increasing burden of taking care of households needs due to their children’s schooling from home. Second, the decrease in income for household needs resulted from the government's mobility restriction policy. Third, the stereotyping of women (widows) that leads to social pressures. Survival mechanisms carried out by single mother during the pandemic are as follows. First, fostering optimism and taking care of each other. Second, using social relationships. Third, downsizing through reduced consumption and food substitutes, and fourth, diversifying and intensifying their jobs. This article therefore adds to the understanding that single mother women are no longer considered women who are unable to take care of their families when in fact they are able to overcome helplessness and difficult challenges.


  • Selain menjalankan dua fungsi sekaligus, pandemi memaksa mereka untuk dapat bertahan dalam situasi sulit

  • The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic adds to the burden for single mothers

  • in-depth interviews conducted on single mothers in Ponteh Village

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Kondisi persebaran Covid-19 hampir menyangkut semua negara di dunia. Pola persebaran virus yang berpindah dengan mudah dan cepat, World Health Organization (WHO) menghimbau bahkan memaksa semua negara-negara di dunia guna memberlakukan kebijakan physical distancing (Harirah Ms & Rizaldi, 2020). Kaum perempuan adalah salah satu kelompok yang paling terkena dampak dari pandemi Covid-19. Berdasarkan hasil survei menjelaskan bahwa perempuan yang bekerja informal memiliki ketidakjelasan secara penghasilan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Kondisi krisis akibat pandemi juga menjadi pemicu konflik dalam keluarga seperti hubungan pekerja perempuan sektor informal dan suaminya yang mengalami pertentangan (Nursakina, 2021). Nursakina (2021) menjelaskan pekerja perempuan sektor informal berperan menggantikan suami selama pandemi demi memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga dan bertahan pada kondisi pandemi yang mengancam keberlangsungan kehidupan keluarganya. Sehingga tujuan artikel ini adalah memahami dan menganalisis dinamika perempuan single mother, tantangan yang dihadapi, serta mekanisme survival selama pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Ponteh Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura. Di tengah ketidakberdayaan dan tantangan sulit, mereka mampu mengatasinya

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