
The title ofthis studyis themechanismand thevalidity of thetransactione-commerce in terms ofArticle1320Indonesian Civil Law. The research method usedin this studyis the kind ofnormativeresearchthatexaminesthe norms, principles and legaldoctrinesrelating tothe issues raised. Thetype ofresearchthat researchers usein this studyare the type ofresearch on thelevel ofhorizontalsyncisthe norminterms of theInformation and Electronic Transaction Act withthe provisionsof Article1320Indonesian Civil Law.Offer and acceptance are the stages of pre online buying and selling contracts in e-commerce. In this process the good faith of the parties shall take precedence in the transaction. The momentum of the sales contract e-commerce can not be separated from the pre-contract stage. Although the mechanism is different transactions, but in general the contract e-commerce trading has occurred since the purchaser or consumer to send a message of acceptance of the products on offer to the seller (merchant). This suggests that the momentum of buying and selling contracts e-commerce more closely at the theory of acceptance (ontvangstheorie).Subjective terms in the transaction e-commerce are consent of the individuals who are bound thereby and capacity to conclude an agreement. While the objective terms are a specific subject and an admissible cause. Information and Electronic Transaction Act is a lexspecialis provisions of Article1320Indonesian Civil Law. However, in this Act only regulates consent of the individuals who are bound thereby and a specific subject, while capacity to conclude an agreement and an admissible cause has not been accommodated. Therefore, capacity to conclude an agreement and an admissible cause, can refer to the Civil Code as its lexgeneralis. Keywords: E-commerce, Sale and PurchaseTransaction, Mechanism, Validity


  • Pendahuluan Salah satu bentuk transaksi elektronik dalam dunia bisnis adalah electronic commerce atau biasa disebut dengan ecommerce maupun e-com

  • The research method used in this study is the kind of normative research

  • legal doctrines relating to the issues raised

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Santonius Tambunan

Abstract : The title of this study is the mechanism and the validity of the transaction e-commerce in terms of Article 1320 Indonesian Civil Law. Selanjutnya, bila mengacu pada Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata sebagaimana penulis sebutkan di atas, suatu perjanjian barulah sah jika memenuhi syarat subjektif (ada kesepakatan antar para pihak dan para pihak cakap untuk membuat perjanjian) dan syarat objekif (objek perjanjian harus jelas dan perjanjian dilakukan karena alasan yang halal). Menurut hukum adat Indonesia, yang dinamakan jual beli, bukanlah persetujuan belaka yang berada di antara kedua belah pihak, tetapi adalah suatu penyerahan barang oleh si penjual kepada si pembeli dengan maksud memindahkan hak milik atas barang itu dengan syarat pembayaran harga tertentu, berupa uang oleh pembeli kepada penjual. Wirjono Prodjodikoro mengemukakan bahwa dalam hukum adat ada juga persetujuan antara kedua belah pihak yang berupa mufakat tentang maksud untuk memindahkan hak milik dari tangan penjual ke tangan pembeli dan pembayaran harga pembeli oleh pembeli kepada penjual, tetapi persetujuan itu hanya bersifat pendahuluan untuk suatu perbuatan hukum tertentu yaitu berupa penyerahan tadi.

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