
Meiotic recombination is known to influence GC-content evolution in large regions of mammalian genomes by favoring the fixation of G and C alleles and increasing the rate of A/T to G/C substitutions. This process is known as GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC). Until recently, genome-wide measures of fine-scale recombination activity were unavailable in mice. Additionally, comparative studies focusing on mouse were limited as the closest organism with its genome fully sequenced was rat. Here, we make use of the recent mapping of double strand breaks (DSBs), the first step of meiotic recombination, in the mouse genome and of the sequencing of mouse closely related subspecies to analyze the fine-scale evolutionary signature of meiotic recombination on GC-content evolution in recombination hotspots, short regions that undergo extreme rates of recombination. We measure substitution rates around DSB hotspots and observe that gBGC is affecting a very short region (≈ 1 kbp) in length around these hotspots. Furthermore, we can infer that the locations of hotspots evolved rapidly during mouse evolution.

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