
The reproductive life span of females is largely determined by the number and quality of oocytes. Previously, we identified MEIOK21 as a meiotic recombination regulator required for male fertility. Here, we characterize the important roles of MEIOK21 in regulating female meiosis and oocyte number and quality. MEIOK21 localizes at recombination sites as a component of recombination bridges in oogenesis like in spermatogenesis. Meiok21-/- female mice show subfertility. Consistently, the size of the primordial follicle pool in Meiok21-/- females is only ~40% of wild-type females because a great number of oocytes with defects in meiotic recombination and/or synapsis are eliminated. Furthermore, the numbers of primordial and growing follicles show a more marked decrease in an age-dependent manner compared with wild-type females. Further analysis shows Meiok21-/- oocytes also have reduced rates of germinal vesicle breakdown and the first polar body extrusion when cultured in vitro, indicating poor oocyte quality. Additionally, Meiok21-/- oocytes have more chromosomes bearing a single distally localized crossover (chiasmata), suggesting a possible defect in crossover maturation. Taken together, our findings indicate critical roles for MEIOK21 in ensuring the number and quality of oocytes in the follicles.

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