
MEGARA is the next optical Integral-Field Unit (IFU) and Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) for Gran Telescopio Canarias. The instrument offers two IFUs plus a Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS) mode: a large compact bundle covering 12.5 arcsec x 11.3 arcsec on sky with 100 μm fiber-core; a small compact bundle, of 8.5 arcsec x 6.7 arcsec with 70 μm fiber-core and a fiber MOS positioner that allows to place up to 100 mini-bundles, 7 fibers each, with 100 μm fiber-core, within a 3.5 arcmin x 3.5 arcmin field of view, around the two IFUs. The fibers, organized in bundles, end in the pseudo-slit plate, which will be placed at the entrance focal plane of the MEGARA spectrograph. The large IFU and MOS modes will provide intermediate to high spectral resolutions, R=6800-17000. The small IFU mode will provide R=8000-20000. All these resolutions are possible thanks to a spectrograph design based in the used of volume phase holographic gratings in combination with prisms to keep fixed the collimator and camera angle. The MEGARA optics is composed by a total of 53 large optical elements per spectrograph: the field lens, the collimator and the camera lenses plus the complete set of pupil elements including holograms, windows and prisms. INAOE, a partner of the GTC and a partner of MEGARA consortium, is responsible of the optics manufacturing and tests. INAOE will carry out this project working in an alliance with CIO. This paper summarizes the status of MEGARA spectrograph optics at the Preliminary Design Review, held on March 2012.

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