
Thrombocytopenia contributes significantly to morbidity in the sick term or preterm infant. However, few data exist on newborn's megakaryocytes and megakaryocyte progenitor cells (CFU-MK). We therefore studied CFU-MK in term and preterm infant cord blood and compared the results with data on CFU-MK from adult bone marrow and adult peripheral blood in a plasma clot culture with postirradiated aplastic canine serum (PIACS) as a source of megakaryocyte colony-stimulating activity. The number of CFU-MK and the number of cells per CFU-MK were counted with an immunofluorescent method at day 12. The effect of T-lymphocyte depletion on cord blood cultures for CFU-MK was studied with PIACS and a partially purified product of PIACS. We also studied individual megakaryocytes from newborns. The number and sizes of circulating megakaryocytes, isolated from adult peripheral blood and term venous cord blood by elutriation, were compared. Term and preterm cord blood contained more CFU-MK than adult peripheral blood. The numbers of CFU-MK in preterm cord blood were comparable to those in adult bone marrow. When the number of cells per colony were compared, cord blood contained significantly more cells than adult marrow CFU-MK. The depletion of T lymphocytes did not significantly change the growth of CFU-MK compared to nondepleted cultures. A substantial number of circulating megakaryocytes were obtained from venous cord blood, though they were significantly smaller than adult peripheral blood megakaryocytes. Since cord blood is easily obtained and contains large numbers of megakaryocytes and CFU-MK, it may provide a convenient model for studying the regulation of fetal megakaryocytopoiesis.

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