
The community empowerment and development attempts in Indonesia border area must be carried out through integrated efforts to foster innertdepend strategies. The potential threat to the national sovereignty should be prioritized although it needs some great efforts. The risk of losing islands along the cross-border areas of country needs to be anticipated better and more professionally. One strategic step to deal with this case is optimizing educational institutions in the cross-border region. It can be realized by utilizing megabiodiversity as a source of natural science learning as well as instilling a national pride of having abundant natural resources in the archipelago. The next strategy is by incorporating innertdepend strategies for the students. The research design of this study is the type of "Prototypal Studies" as put forward by [1] and [2]. The important thing to be considered in the Research and Development model is the quality of the produced learning model (product). [2] provides product quality criteria, namely: valid (reflects state-of-the-art knowledge and internal consistency), added value, practical, and effective. The results of the study are; (1) integrated learning model of natural sciences with the development of innertdepend strategies by utilizing the megabiodiversity that has been tested for its feasibility through expert judgment and limited empirical trials in the partnership schools can be catagorized “Good”, (2) integrated learning model of natural science with innert depend strategies is effective to improve concepts understanding and innert-dependent strategies for students in border area schools.

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