
Mega sports events provide organisers with a unique opportunity to modify the international image of the host country. The article tracks and analyses the destination image change of travelling New Zealand football fans as a result of having attended the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany. The event itself, rather than team support or destination attractiveness was the main motivation to travel. The article follows a longitudinal approach into the subject, methodologically distinct and advanced from previous studies due to its ‘pre-then-post’ approach. Findings from the surveys and interviews show a significant improvement of the host country's image as a result of respondents' direct experience. In particular, respondents thought of Germany as a less expensive, more friendly and multi-cultural place. Insights into the character and dimensions of this change are provided, reflecting on ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ factors of destination image. The analysis of results defines which aspects of sports supporters' perceptions go beyond the pure sports experience. This offers avenues for future research into the link between mega sports events, travelling fans' host country experience and tourism destination promotion.

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