
Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust provides a care pathway for patients undergoing stoma formation surgery, with the stoma care nurse specialists providing ongoing support for patients, alongside the rest of the multidisciplinary team, from the preoperative consultation through to their community follow-up. In the past, the community service offered has not always been well-received and the whole pathway has not been evaluated in depth to date. This article reports on a patient evaluation survey of the stoma care pathway at NUH. The results showed that overall patients are very complimentary of the service offered to them by the stoma care team. They highly commend the stoma care nurse specialist. Two areas for amendment in the pathway have been identified: information provision and the length of time available for the stoma care nurse specialist to spend one-to-one with each patient. The results of this survey will aid the team in implementing positive changes to the stoma care pathway.

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