
Muscle, studied mostly with respect to meat production, represents one of the largest protein reservoirs of the body. As gene expression profiling holds credibility to deal with the increasing demand of food from animal sources, excessive loss due to myopathies and other muscular dystrophies was found detrimental as it aggravates diseases that result in increased morbidity and mortality. Holding key point towards improving the developmental program of muscle in meat producing animals, elucidating the underlying mechanisms of the associated pathways in livestock animals is believed to open up new avenues towards enhancing the lean tissue deposition. To this end, identification of vital candidate genes having no known function in myogenesis, is believed to increase the current understanding of the physiological processes going on in the skeletal muscle tissue. Taking consequences of gene expression changes into account, knowledge of the pathways associated with their activation and as such up-regulation seems critical for the overall muscle homeostasis. Having important implications on livestock production, a thorough understanding of postnatal muscle development seems a timely step to fulfil the growing need of ever increasing populations of the world.

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