
The new President of American Association of Col-leges of Pharmacy (AACP) is Jeffrey (Jeff) N. Baldwin,PharmD, Vice Chair and Professor of Pharmacy Practiceat the College of Pharmacy, The University of NebraskaMedicalCenter.Hereceivedabachelorofscience(BS)inpharmacyfromtheStateUniversityofNewYorkatBuf-faloSchoolofPharmacy,andthencompleteda doctorofpharmacy (PharmD) at the University of Kentucky Col-legeofPharmacyandaconcurrenthospitalpharmacyres-idencyatAlbertB.ChandlerMedicalCenterinLexington.Jeff has served as a faculty member at The University ofNebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy sincereceipt of his PharmD and completion of his residency.He participated in the development of the Nebraskaentry-level PharmD program that was initiated in 1976and serves on the college’s curriculum committee.During his career, Jeff has been a leader in the de-velopment of pediatric pharmacy practice and educationandcontinuestoprovidedidacticandexperientialeduca-tion in this area. Jeff’s interest in health professional ad-diction education and recovery assistance is evidencedthroughmorethan20yearsofinvolvementintheUniver-sity of Utah School on Alcoholism and Other Drug De-pendencies and 10 years of service to AACP as chair ofthe special interest group (SIG) on Substance Abuse Ed-ucation and Assistance. He teaches a didactic substanceabuse course and a quasi-experiential addiction recoverycourse as part of his college’s elective curriculum.Jeff has served the profession for many years withactive participation in AACP, the Nebraska PharmacistsAssociation, where he served as President, the AmericanPharmacists Association, the American Society ofHealth-Systems Pharmacists, and other organizations.Heco-chairstheNebraskaPharmacistRecoveryNetworkand is co-founder of the Heartland Pharmacist RecoveryNetwork. Jeff has been active in AACP throughout hiscareer, serving as chair of the Pharmacy Practice sectionand on a number of AACP committees. He has receivedmany awards and recognitions for his accomplishmentsincluding the Teacher of the Year award; recognition asa Fellow by the American Pharmacists Association andtheAmericanSocietyofHealth-SystemsPharmacists;theBowlofHygeia,aUniversityofNebraskaMedicalCentercampus award for community service; and other recog-nitions for service to the profession.Colleagues describe Jeff as a role-model clinician,a natural and engaging classroom teacher, and a recog-nized leader in the community. He is particularly dedi-cated to nurturing young people and guiding them on theroad to healthy, wholesome, others-centered lives.Jeff has been a Boy Scout leader for more than 25years. He was in charge on June 11, 2008, when a violenttornadotorethroughtheLittleSiouxScoutRanchinnorth-westernIowa,levelingbuildingsandcausingthedeathof4scouts.Whilepersonallydevastated,hiscalmandpurpose-fulactions,alongwiththeguidanceofotherscoutleaders,ensured the safety of the remaining scouts in the storm’saftermath and helped them put their learned skills intoactiontoassisttheinjuredandconductanorganizedevac-uation of the battered camp. The pride Jeff takes inthe maturity and leadership exhibited by these youngmen...traits they had mastered by watching and learningfrom him...has helped him move forward in the monthsafter the unspeakable tragedy. For his sustained and sig-nificant contributions to the Boy Scouts of America, Jeffwas recognized with the Silver Beaver Award, one ofthehighesthonorstheorganizationbestowsonavolunteer.Jeff is blessed with his very supportive wife of39 years, Sue, and credits much of his success to her.He has 2 children, Paul and Greg, and 4 grandchildren,Elizabeth, Patrick, Shannon, and Sean.

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