
This work introduces the “MedTransCluster” framework, a novel approach to medical image clustering in chest radiography through the application of transfer learning, leveraging the capabilities of pre-trained deep learning models. Our evaluation encompassed a variety of neural networks, considering their adaptability to the nuances of medical imaging data. The study incorporated four renowned clustering algorithms and an expanded set of evaluation metrics, offering a comprehensive comparison and a refined analysis of these models’ ability to cluster complex diagnostic features. Notably, EfficientNetB0 coupled with DBSCAN clustering algorithm achieved a silhouette score of 0.924131, and ResNet152 with KMeans displayed a Calinski Harabasz score of 9655.213964, indicating their superior proficiency in capturing the intricacies of medical features. These results emphasize the critical importance of model refinement within the healthcare imaging sphere and underscore the potential of methodologies like MedTransCluster in enhancing diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes.

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