
Metabolic syndrome is the association of chronic diseases related to diet and physical activity. Also recognized as a complex entity that associates well-established cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes, among others, such as central fat deposition and insulin resistance. Currently, Metabolic Syndrome has gained worrisome dimensions within clinical practice, becoming one of the greatest challenges at the beginning of this century. In contrast, the Mediterranean diet recognized for its combination of tasty taste and nutritional benefits, in addition to its culture of the link between health and longevity, is a strategy in the treatment of the metabolic syndrome. Although there is no consensus on the most adequate nutritional strategy to treat Metabolic Syndrome (MS), in such a way that there is a reduction in cardiovascular risk, recent studies show the effectiveness of adopting healthy lifestyles capable of reversing this trend. To address the role of diet in MS treatment, with the main focus on the interaction of benefits of different nutritional interventions in MS remission, contributing to the integration of current evidence in the pre-existing context. In view of the studies carried out in this research, it was found that the Mediterranean diet has shown benefits in the secondary prevention of this syndrome, although the underlying mechanisms are not completely clear. In this sense, it is important to revitalize and apply this diet in the future in terms of preventive and therapeutic guidelines.

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