
Figure 2: A) Changes in December-March precipitation (fraction of control simulation climatology; color) and sea level pressure (difference with control simulation climatology; hPa, contours) for a simulation with increased tropical Indian and western Pacific SST; precipitation changes are shown only where the differences exceed the 95% confidence level. B) As in (A), but for December-March temperature (°C, color; values are SST over ocean and 2-meter temperature over land). Colors are shown only where temperature differences exceed the 95% confidence level. Lined contour interval is 0.5°C between 30°N and 30°S and 1°C elsewhere. Global average temperature change has been subtracted. Acknowledgements N.E.G. was supported by funding from grants NA06OAR4310120 and NA08OAR4310732 from the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) CCDD program. N.E.G. is also grateful to PAGES program and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Research at the University of Bern for their support of a visit to the PAGES office and Oeschger Centre in 2008 during which the research reported here was advanced.

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