
Abstract: A medicine dispenser powered by a Atmel ATmega2560 controller was proposed in this article as a way to help people take their medications on schedule and in the recommended dosages given by their physicians. Only two out of fifty people use this innovative assistance due to its high cost, lack of information on the subject, and accessibility. It has been discovered that people are more concerned about their physique than their well-being, with many older people needing at least two assistive items per family by the year 2050. This device plan helps patients avoid this problem by reminding them to take their prescriptions on time and within the recommended window. It provides updates for patients, which is helpful for people who are aware of when to take their dosage and is particularly helpful for those who forget to do so. One of this device's key advantages is the ease of use and affordability of the framework. The device uses an Arduino MEGA, LCD display, Real-Time Clock (RTC) module, and RFID to inform patients and remind them to take their medications at the recommended time. This concise and useful framework can be of great use to older patients and those who are economically disadvantaged. Families with older citizens may find this medicine dispenser helpful as their responsibilities are reduced by reminders to take prescription medications as directed. The framework has also been connected to an online database to track the patient's medical history when needed.

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