
This paper reports medicinally important and edible species of ectomycorrhizal genus Lactarius collected during the monsoon season between 2006–2009, in the elevation range of 350 to 3200 m above sea level from district Pauri Garhwal and Tehri Garhwal of Garhwal Himalaya. It includes description of L. hygrophoroides var. hygrophoroides, L. piperatus var. piperatus, L. scrobiculatus var. scrobiculatus,L. subindigo, L. subpurpureus and L. volemus var. volemus. Among these six species, L. piperatus var. piperatus and L. volemus var. volemus are medicinally important and other species are edible in Garhwal region or reported edibles from other parts of the world. The medicinal properties are compiled on the basis of information gathered by literature review. This report provides new information on edible and medicinally important species of Garhwal region.

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