
In the article, a thousand еars ago, the legendary scientist and physician Abu Ali ibn Sina (known as Avicenna in Europe) mentioned the beneficial aspects of harmala plant for human health in his "Canon of Medical Sciences". This plant is widely used in folk medicine. Frankincense, known as kharmal in Arabs, garmala or adraspan in Russians, was one of the important elements in many medicinal elixirs of medieval healers. Isiriq grows as a weed in sandy, stony and sandy areas in the desert regions of Bukhara region. It grows a lot around old fences and farms located in the desert and hilly regions of Uzbekistan. Frankincense is a medicinally useful plant. From the point of view of animal husbandry (in some regions it occupies large areas) it is a weed. Peganum harmala is a perennial plant, 40-70 cm tall and 1 meter in diameter. The leaf is simple, divided into 4-5 pieces, and has a gray-green color. The flowers are white and are located singly on the branches. The fruit is spherical and three-lobed. It blooms in May-June and ripens in autumn.

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