
Ayurveda medicine exists on the planet for the benefit of humanity. Ayurveda's value is in its ability to maintain individual health and treat a patient's condition. Following the daily routine, seasonal regimen, codes for healthy behaviour, ethical regimen, and so on, one can obtain good health. Plants are the foundation of Ayurveda, an an- cient Indian system of holistic treatment. Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus Linn) is described as ‘Kyambu’ in the Vedic literature, its synonyms like ‘Gundra & Gangeyam’ denotes the hydrophytic nature of this plant. Mustaka can be used to treat a variety of ailments. It is a significant herbal medication that may be utilised in a variety of ways to treat a variety of illnesses, mostly in the Kapha-Pitta dosha. Acharya Charaka has emphasised that each sub- stance on the earth is useful in combating illness when applied with planning and for a specific purpose. Keywords: Ayurveda, Mustaka, Kyambu, Kapha, Pitta.

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