
A medicinal plant Salabmisri (Orchis latifolia Linn). is a terrestrial herb commonly known as “Salep” in English language. It is an important medicinal plant used in clinical practice in unani system of medicine. It is one of the herbs that is very good and is very effective in promoting sexual health. In some magical traditions, its root is called Adam and Eve Root. It is considered aphrodisiac and nervine tonic by unani physicians. Salabmisri placed a major role as nutraceutical supplement in geriatric patients. This orchid is useful in aged patients because of its high nutritive value. Flour called salap is made of the ground tubers orchids. It contains a nutritious starch-like polysaccharide called glucomannan. Several scientific studies have also been carried out on salabmisri for its wonderful medicinal properties like aphrodisiac, hypolipidemic and antihypertensive properties.

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