
Medicinal plants are very useful for human life. Medicinal plants are natural and very safe as there are no side effects. The use of medicinal treatments is independent of any age groups. From the web of science with the keyword of “Medicinal Plants” in the title field and in address as India. The researcher limited the year from 2009 to 2018. The downloaded data was analyses with Bibexcel software and Pajek tool. Most of the authors are interested to publish in the journal as article. This study was focus on publishing Authorship Pattern, Language, Citation and Collaborate countries also. Authorship paten Single author 77, Joint author 600, Ten author published in 50 more than ten author published 69. Highly collaborate with India in Saudi Arabia was115 and USA was 113 joint paper publish. Top ten citation analysis in CR field use top of the Murashige T, 1962, V15, P473, Physiologia Plantarum in 306 publication. The Choice of the Unit of analysis and of the Initial set as a strong influence on the measures and result of any bibliometric study. Bibliometric a systematic mapping study to identity categories and analyses existing literature related. The most commonly used the metric method for the analysis of past present and future scientific developments. The Area of Research in terms of the top countries top organization to authors and finally using the parameter space. The Indicator performance the loads of trinity of energy like terms.

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