
Physicians have used the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) for centuries. Indeed, the etymology of the word leech shows it is a derivative of the Anglo-Saxon term laece, meaning physician. The earliest recorded use of the medicinal leech was depicted graphically in ancient Egypt (1567–1308 bce), and written records date to 200 to 130 bce. Their use has varied substantially over the past 3500 years, with indications ranging from treatment of sexually transmitted diseases to tuberculosis, kidney disease, and arthritis. Their use waned until the 1960s, when they were used to salvage tissues that were endangered from venous congestion 1 Whitaker I.S. Rao J. Izadi D. Butler P.E. Historical article: Hirudo medicinalis: ancient origins of, and trends in the use of medicinal leeches throughout history. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2004; 42: 133-137 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (112) Google Scholar after replantation. Educational Objectives •Discuss the history of the use of the medicinal leech. •State the biomechanical compound in leech saliva responsible for anticoagulation. •Discuss the factors that affect the amount of active and passive blood loss during leech therapy. •State the role and outcome of leeches in venous congestion following tissue transfer. •Describe the main complication following leech therapy. Earn up to 2 hours of CME credit per JHS issue when you read the related articles and take the online test. To pay the $20 fee and take this month's test, visit http://www.assh.org/professionals/jhs. •Discuss the history of the use of the medicinal leech. •State the biomechanical compound in leech saliva responsible for anticoagulation. •Discuss the factors that affect the amount of active and passive blood loss during leech therapy. •State the role and outcome of leeches in venous congestion following tissue transfer. •Describe the main complication following leech therapy. Earn up to 2 hours of CME credit per JHS issue when you read the related articles and take the online test. To pay the $20 fee and take this month's test, visit http://www.assh.org/professionals/jhs. Journal CME QuestionsJournal of Hand SurgeryVol. 35Issue 6Preview Full-Text PDF

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