
List of Abbreviations Introduction: The World that Medicare and Medicaid Made Alan Cohen, David Colby, Keith Wailoo, and Julian Zelizer Part I: Origins, Vision, and the Challenge of Implementation The Contentious Origins of Medicare and Medicaid Julian Zelizer Civil Rights and Medicare: Historical Convergence and Continuing Legacy David Barton Smith Looking Back: The Early Days of Medicaid and Medicare Rashi Fein The Road Not Taken: What Happened to Medicare for All? Jonathan Oberlander and Theodore Marmor Part II: The Remaking of Values, Relationships, and Society The Transformation of Medicaid from Poor Law Legacy to Middle-Class Entitlement? Jill Quadagno How the Courts Created the Medicaid Entitlement Sara Rosenbaum Medicare and the Social Transformations of American Elders Mark Schlesinger Part III: Retrenchment, Reform, and Reaction The Third Rail of Politics? Medicare's Untouchability Mark Peterson Medicare Innovations in the War Over the Key to the U.S. Treasury Uwe E. Reinhardt Medicaid Rising: The Perils and Potential of Federalism Frank Thompson Independence and Freedom: Public Opinion and the Politics of Medicare and Medicaid Andrea Louise Campbell Part IV: The Road to Affordable Care The Era of Big Government: Why It Never Ended Keith Wailoo Built to Last? Policy Entrenchment and Regret in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act Paul Starr The Missing Piece: Medicare, Medicaid, and Long-Term Care Judith Feder From Servant to Master? Medicare, Cost Control, and the Future of American Health Care Jacob Hacker Part V: Looking Ahead Medicare in American Political History: The Rise and Fall of Social Insurance James Morone and Elizabeth Fauquert Conclusion Alan Cohen, David Colby, Keith Wailoo, and Julian Zelizer

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