
The Italian Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) Register (ItMARR) was established by the Decree of the Minister of Health issued on October 7th, 2005. ItMARR has a crucial role in clearly and publicly disseminating epidemiological information on the MAR activities and outcomes. ItMARR data is collected in aggregate form and is mandatory as set out in Law 40/2004. The aim of this article is to make a snapshot of the authorized centers that perform IUI and ART in Italy. Data used in this article refer to MAR treatments started between January 1st and December 31st, 2020. MAR techniques were performed by 332 centers. In total, 67,927 ART cycles and 12,171 IUI cycles were performed in 2020. Gametes donation cycles represent 12.9% of ART activity and 4.0% of IUI. ART cycles performed per million women of childbearing age was 6525. In 2020, 2.5% of births in the general population in Italy were a result of application of ART techniques. MAR activity in 2020, has been heavily reduced by the limitations to reproductive treatment due to SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Pregnancy rates per transfers were 26.7% with fresh techniques, 32.6% with FER, 25.7% with FO, 38.0% with OD and 39.1% with SD. There were fewer multiple deliveries than the previous year. The ItMARR, has become a great asset in the reproductive health scenario promoting a better MAR information dissemination. ItMARR is working on the implementation towards a "cycle-by-cycle" data collection system. This will bring the Italian monitoring system in line with others European countries.

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