
IN a report issued by the Medical Research Council (Special Rep. Series, No. 204. London: H.M. Stationery Office. Is. net), an account is given of the research work done during 1934 with radium and radium emanation distributed to selected centres in Great Britain and Ireland, and it continues the accounts given in the twelve previous similar reports. In the earlier pages, the experimental work carried out at the Imperial College of Science and elsewhere is summarised. Then follow the clinical reports upon the treatment of various forms of cancer and also of some non-malignant conditions. In addition, statistical data are given relating to the after-histories of patients treated in previous years for cancer of the breast, uterus, rectum, mouth and adjacent structures. These data are somewhat depressing, for they show a large mortality; for example, of 169 cases of cancer of the rectum treated in the six years, 1925-30, only 21 are now living. It must be remembered, however, that most of the cases were at an advanced stage, and the data are also incomplete in that they do not indicate the number of patients who may have died as a result of disease other than an extension or recurrence of the cancer.

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